FLHS Planetarium

February 23, 2024 UPDATE
Private Planetarium Shows Are Now Available on a Limited Basis
Shows cost $200 and set up to 30 people. The content of the show is customizable.
These may occur on Thursdays or Fridays between 6PM and 8PM.
We hope to be advertising some Public Planetarium Nights in the near future. Ticket prices will be about $10 per seat. Please check this website for more information.
Shows are recommended for children age 8 and up. Children must be accompanied by at least 1 adult per 10 children.
Contact: Fair Lawn Community School
201-794-5500 Option 2
A Valuable Resource for Fair Lawn Students
Our Planetarium is used by our High School Astronomy classes and is a resource provided to students in our elementary and middle school classes at various points through district-sponsored class trips. The district also provides a traveling planetarium show to our elementary school students.
Introduction & History
The FLHS planetarium currently has a Spitz A3P star projector under a 22 foot diameter fiberglass dome with a 30 seat capacity. We have also implemented a full dome projection solution utilizing an HD multimedia projector and a spherical mirror. The idea came from the work of Paul Bourke which can be reviewed here
The Spitz A3P star projector was brought to the Fair Lawn School District by former Fair Lawn Science Chairperson, Andrew Lukack, and was funded in part by Federal grants during the "Space Race". The goal was to bring the wonders of space and space exploration into our local classrooms.
Throughout the past several decades, the projector has moved around the district multiple times until it found its current and most permanent home on a former stage in the A-Gym at Fair Lawn High School.
The district continues to support enhancing the astronomy program by adding full dome video capabilities, surround sound, and other multimedia components to the shows.
We have free and licensed full dome content from many providers. Below is an overview of our sponsors and licensed content vendors.
Listing of Shows for Public Presentation
This planetarium has received worldwide recognition by being a member of the International Planetarium Society. Fair Lawn High School sits among the worlds recognized planetariums in countries around the globe. (IPS Directory)