Hello All! My name is Kayli Roderick and I am one of the 5th/6th grade general music teachers here at Memorial. In my class, we will focus on three main units for each grade. In 6th grade, our three units are: Music Theory, Genres of Music, and Music Technology. In 5th grade, the three units are: Music Theory, Instruments of the Orchestra and World, and American Musical Heritage.
Ms. Roderick's General Music Class
Links to all Google Classrooms
Period 2, Wednesday, 6th Grade: https://classroom.google.com/c/NTQ1OTI2NjQ5MDgy?cjc=tzsq4cj
Period 5, Wednesday, 6th Grade: https://classroom.google.com/c/NTQ1OTMyMTUyODgy?cjc=p3r7t2q
Period 2, Thursday, 6th Grade: https://classroom.google.com/c/NTQ1OTMzNzczMTc3?cjc=f45th2m
Period 7, Thursday, 5th Grade:
Period 2, Friday, 6th Grade:
What's happening?
In 6th Grade classes, we are learning about: The History and Significance of Jazz (apart of our Genres of Music Unit)
In 5th Grade classes, we are learning about: Instruments of the Orchestra