Welcome to 8th Grade Social Studies! This year we will be starting the year by examining how our government works and the role of active citizens in our democracy. Because this is a presidential election year, we will have a special focus on the election process and how to be an informed voter. In the third and fourth marking periods, we will be looking at the history of our country to better understand our present and future. We will be starting by looking at the geography of the United States to get our bearings and understand what our country looks like today. We will then examine the origins of our country to see how past events have influenced our current nation from Colonial times up through the period of Reconstruction following the Civil War.
Mr. Thompson's
8th Social Studies Class
7th Grade Social Studies
7th Grade World History seeks to engage students with core disciplinary concepts across the four strands of the social studies: history, geography,economics, and civics. This year, we will examine a variety of time periods from the medieval period to the era of discovery, focusing on key transformational moments, historical continuities, and the causal relationship between past events and the modern world. We will use a variety of perspectives in order to help students understand the complex tapestry of cultures, viewpoints, and experiences that comprise the global landscape.
Our weekly homework assignments can be viewed on either our Google Classroom page or on our textbook website. Links for both sites are below.
Helpful Links
See below for some useful links for our class this year.