Peachjar E-flyers

In an effort to be more environmentally friendly and reduce costs for our school and community partners, we are going green. We are pleased to announce we are using Peachjar, an innovative web-based flyer management system that sends district and school-approved e- flyers directly to parents via email. Peachjar replaces paper flyers.
Flyer Distribution (For more information on how to upload a flyer, click here.)
Flyer Approval Process
Where Do Families Find Peachjar?
Flyer Distribution

Fair Lawn Public Schools (FLPS) began using a web-based digital flyer platform in October 2018 to reach more families while reducing its environmental footprint. The delivery vendor, Peachjar, utilizes an innovative technology by posting flyers online (Flyers Powered by Peachjar).
Instead of paper flyers, parents will now view flyers from their inboxes, keep up-to-date on important events and sign up for activities. By default, all parents are opted-in to the system and no action is required, provided parent/guardian email contact information is up-to-date with their child’s school. Families will receive an email with full color, digital flyers right to their inbox (you do not need to login to receive or view school e-flyers). You do have the option of changing the frequency of email flyer notifications, or unsubscribing altogether, by logging in to your existing Peachjar account (accessed by entering your email address as the username and the provided password- if you cannot find the original password click “forgot password” and a temporary password will be sent to you).
Peachjar will be used exclusively for the digital distribution of district and school-approved flyers. Parent email address will not be shared or used for any other purposes.
Flyers from not-for-profit, 501(c)(3)-designated organizations, community organizations hosting an educational event, or a for-profit organization that is offering an instructional or educational camp while schools are out of session, will be approved.
Individual schools and school organizations such as PTOs, FLASE and the Community School will have the ability to create and send flyers to families and post on their school websites free of charge. All other organizations submitting a flyer request may be required to pay a per-school fee for distribution of the flyer to the vendor (Peachjar). Outside organizations must create their own Peachjar accounts and upload their own flyers for district approval. The fee charged will depend upon the type of organization or event they are promoting and goes directly to the vendor. Fees are waived for community partners who are hosting free events. Some organizations may choose to send a limited number of hard copy flyers to each school for families who do not have Internet access, but electronic approval will have to be received in advance.
As a program provider, you will have access to web analytics – for example, how many are opening your flyer -- for all flyers you submit.
Flyer Approval Process
To request flyer approval, follow the steps below. Once approved, your flyer will be emailed to all parents for whom we have email addresses at the requested schools and posted online.
Register as a Program Provider at (or log in if you are already registered)
Go to “My Account”
Click on “Send a Flyer”
Select desired schools
The following guidelines must be met for flyers to be considered for digital distribution:
Be in a PDF format and smaller than 50 MB in file size.
Contain font sizes not less than 12pt/Format Size: 8.5"x11"
Be ADA compliant (accessible to visually impaired people). Peachjar includes an ADA compliance tool that will scan the content of your flyer to make it readable on an assisted device.
Contain the name and contact information of the sponsoring organization, but should not contain advertising logos or promotions for any business/organization other than the approved entity.
Peachjar does not support the use of hyperlinks embedded on an e-flyer; instead, Call-to-Action buttons on the site's backend must be used for hyperlinks, phone numbers, email addresses and contact information.
Support the basic educational mission of FLPS district
The flyer will automatically have the following disclaimer added to the digital flyer: Fair Lawn Public Schools has approved the distribution of this flyer as a community service. No endorsement of the products or services, however, is stated or implied.
FLPS will not approve flyers that:
Are lewd, obscene, or slanderous.
Incite students to commit unlawful acts, violate school rules, or disrupt the orderly operation of the schools.
Promote any particular political interest, candidate or party.
Proselytize religious beliefs.
Position the district on any side of a controversial issue.
Discriminate against, attack or denigrate any group on account of gender, race, age, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability or other unlawful consideration.
Promote the use or sale of materials or services that are illegal or inconsistent with school objectives, including, but not limited to, materials or advertisements for tobacco, intoxicants, and movies or products unsuitable for children.
Encourage voting for or against a public question.
Solicit funds or services for an organization, with the exception of solicitations authorized in Fair Lawn BOE Policy 9120.
For-profit organizations/businesses, i.e. college financial planners and college test prep courses. We do not want to influence/promote any one business over another.
Once uploaded, your flyer will automatically be submitted to the FLPS district office for approval or denial. Once approved, your flyer will be emailed to all parents/guardians and posted online within 24 hours. Any questions about approval decisions should be directed to the Community Relations Liaison at (201) 794-5500 ext. 7006.
Where Do Families Find Peachjar?
Click on the “Flyers Powered by Peachjar” button on the FLPS district website, on each school’s website or via the district’s mobile app to view flyers for your child’s school.